It’s been awhile since we’ve posted regularly. My camera broke and I was getting pictures like this: Definitely interesting, but not quite the documentation we were hoping to keep on getting the house back together. Before purchasing a new camera, I found out that Canon would fix it for free. I’ve been so impressed with Canon – I bought the camera on a whim in California about five years ago and this is the second time they’ve fixed it. So, we’re back on track with photos. Everyone knows a picture is worth a thousand words, and I couldn’t keep up with blogging without photos. More to come…
P.S. The image is of the stud (wall, not Michael) in the office.
We bought paint for walls that we put up (and are finishing this weekend). We’ve taken so much apart; I had forgotten how fun it is to put it back together.
I picked the color in about two seconds and the salesman commented that I made the decision fast. While they mixed up the paint in back Michael could see the worry on my face and said, “It’s only paint, we can always paint over it if you don’t like it.”
Perfect comment. Perfect timing. Maybe not a perfect color, but who cares?