We finished the roof in about six million not-so-easy steps literally consulting multiple books while on top of the house. I’ve highlighted the top 10 here.

3: We passed the point of no return when we got the plywood off. This picture was taken from inside looking out. We realized that this addition was certainly not to code with sistered 2 x 4s holding up the structure.
4: We fixed that by adding 2 x 12s and now this is probably the most sturdy part of the entire roof.
5: The view from the ground was scary.
6: But the view to the ground with all of the debris was worse.
7: Pretty new plywood was the foundation for our new roof.
8: And to be sure it stays nice and dry, we added ice and water shield. It’s a low slope roof and we over-engineered it. Quite proudly, I should add.
9: The shingles were the most fun part. We were able to match the rest of the roof and you can’t even tell we were up there. Well, except for the very important fact that the roof no longer leaks into the house.
10: We finished late one cold night. This photo shows our handiwork of adding in a light tube over the shower.
There is finish work still to be done and insulation to add on the inside, but the bulk of work on the roof was done just in time for winter. The good news is that we were able to do the project without damage to the house or ourselves.
The bad news? We now think we can do anything. A little fear in home renovation is a good thing, and we've lost it... at least until the next big project.
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