Tuesday, June 10, 2008

My words melted…

In my last post I bragged about how much I enjoy summer and that the heat was bearable if not downright pleasant. I was tested on this Sunday morning when the thermometer hit the 90s and our AC stopped. Actually, it shrieked a horrible pained noise and then stopped.

At 9 in the morning, it was warm in the house. We opened windows, turned on fans and slowed down our pace. By noon it was cooler outside only because there was a faint breeze, but it was counteracted by a ferocious sun. By 4, we were in the car heading anywhere with AC. After about 9 glasses of water and a terrific meal, we headed home for a brutal night of sleep. We hooked up a window unit in the living room, but still couldn’t cool down the house.

The next day we rushed to work for institutional AC (ahhhhhh!) and scheduled a repair visit. Most places were so overbooked they couldn’t promise a visit this week, but we found one man (let’s just call him a hero, shall we?) that said he could come that evening after 5. Michael was off to meet him and I stayed in the cool of my office at work. By 8 that evening, we were the proud owners of a capacitor and three pounds of Freon. The house has cooled and we had a restful night of sleep.

Bring on the heat, we're prepared!

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